
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Can of Doughnuts?

Ok as much as I like to play the healthy game, I can not deny my sweet teeth (yes I know its suppose to be 'tooth', but lets be real, all of my teeth want to have deliciousness all up in their business, not just one). So when I found this super easy doughnut recipe I just had to give it a go. Now I know spring break is just around the corner and some of you will be in a bikini on the beach, so I apologize for tempting you with this wickedness.... but to play my own devil's advocate, you can have 3 of these tasty little doughnuts (toppings included) for around 220 calories (that's basically a bowl of cereal) so spice up your Sunday brunch & live a little! 

 what you need: 

Ok so your going to want to gather a large skillet w vegetable oil w a plate covered with some paper towels w tongs w an apple corer w & a can of biscuits

Now when I say can off biscuits, I'm not talking GRANDS biscuits, no no friends that would be a giant doughnut, I'm talking about a regular sized biscuit, the can should be significantly smaller then a 'grands' can. 

For your toppings you can use a simple glaze, which is made out of 1 & 1/4 cup confectionery sugar and 3 tbs of water or milk. (you can also substitute a fruit juice if you want to give it a flavor or a dash of vanilla) Which when combined is 1tbs of equals about 31 calories.
You can also use a cinnamon and sugar mix, using 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, and 2 tbs of cinnamon.
 & sprinkles are always fun. 

Ok to begin, cover the bottom of your skillet with vegetable oil (I would say I filled mine up so it was maybe a 1/4 of an inch - 1/2 an inch thick) & place on the stove top at a medium/high heat. While you let that heat up, pop open that can & separate the biscuits onto a plate. 

Take your apple corer and punch out the center of your biscuits. Use your finger to gently push out the center bit. You can save these little centers and make doughnut holes with them!

By the time you've punch out the centers of all your doughnuts your oil should be hot enough to begin frying. Test out the oils heat by placing in some doughnut holes in the oil, you should hear the nice sizzle sound and they should begin to bubble around the outside. Once you see that it's hot enough you can begin to add in the regular doughnuts.

You will see the doughnuts begin to brown up on the bottom in the oil, that's how you know it's time to flip. I would say total time in the oil is about 1 minute per each side.
(fyi: you should be using your tongs to do this)

When your second side starts to brown, use your tongs to remove the doughnuts from the oil and place on the paper towel plate to cool. The paper towel will help absorb any extra oil that may be on the doughnut. 

Let your doughnuts cool for a few minutes & mix together the toppings in separate bowls. Dip the doughnuts into the cinnamon & sugar mix, top off with just glaze or spice it up with glaze & sprinkles.

I found the cinnamon sugar mixture to be the most delicious! Once your done dipping it's time to dig in! Best served when they are still warm!


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