Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day Nails

Because Valentine's Day directly follows my birthday I'm feeling double generous, so in this post you are going to get a 2 for 1! Two different Valentine's Day inspired nail looks, a sweetheart candy look and a classic Valentine's Day look.  I created both of these looks using a method that helps you make your own nail art stickers!

What you need to create sweetheart nails :

Plastic sandwich bag w 2 small detailing paint brushes w tweezers w Sally Hansen Insta Dri wEssie Mezmerised w Sally Hansen Brisk Blue w Essie Turquoise & Caicosw Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow w OPI Strawberry Margarita w Essie Marshmallow w OPI Sweet Memories w Funky Fingers Cheshire (not photographed see Reverse Glitter French or click)

Both of these looks have 2 coats of OPI Sweet Memories as a base

1st cut off the top & sides of your sandwich bag so you have a nice long piece of plastic, lay it flat on a cutting board or something solid. 

To make the hearts start with a dot of polish, & with a detailing brush drag a line down at a diagonal. Repeat on the other side. Or if your skilled draw an outline of a heart in polish, then fill in. 

With each color make a variety of sizes, & multiples of each (just in case one or two break during peeling.) If you don't have the exact colors your looking for, grab a paper plate and mix up your polishes using a couple different colors & white to add a pastel like hue. 

When mixing polishes think back to elementary school & remember that color wheel. Ahh yes, primary & secondary colors. (Red, Blue & Yellow are primary, Purple, Green & Orange are secondary for those of you who need to blow the dust off your books) Any color combo is possible if you have the three primaries, play around & explore the options you can take with your polishes. However, I would only recommend doing this for detailed design work, as you don't want to waste a lot of polish, & it will dry up faster when you mix it due to it's oxygen exposure. 

The color combos I used in the sweetheart nail are:

4 Drops Mellow Yellow + 1 Drop Marshmallow = sweetheart yellow 
4 Drops Mellow Yellow + 1 Drop Strawberry Margarita + 1 Drop Marshmallow = sweetheart orange
3 Drops Turquoise & Caicos + 1 Drop Mellow Yellow + 1 Drop Marshmallow = sweetheart green
3 Drops Brisk Blue + 1 Drop Mezmerised + 2 Drops Marshmallow = sweetheart blue
2 Drops Strawberry Margarita + + 2 Drops Marshmallow = sweetheart pink
3 Drops Cheshire (not photographed see Reverse Glitter French)+ 1 Drop Marshmallow = sweetheart purple

When you finish making all your hearts let them dry for about 5 minutes, then you can begin detailing them with OPI Strawberry Margarita for the lettering. 

 I let mine dry overnight. You want to give it enough time to dry, because they will not remove from the plastic if they are not completely dry.

The next day take your plastic & on the backside run it along the edge of a table, you just want to begin loosening up the polish from the plastic. 

Now its time to remove. Pinch the plastic loosely between your fingers and begin rolling back and forth till an end of a heart becomes loose. If a corner gets stuck, gently run a pair of tweezers under it until it pops free.

Place your heart sticker on the nail, & smooth it out with your finger to avoid air bubbles. Then cover with a good helping of top coat! 

& voilĂ ,  Sweetheart Nails!

What you need to create Classic Valentine's Nails:

Plastic sandwich bag w 2 small detailing paint brushes w tweezers w Essie Luxeffects Shine Of The Times w  Sally Hansen Insta Dri w China Glaze Ruby Pumps w Sally Hansen Strobe Light OPI Strawberry Margarita w Essie Marshmallow w OPI Sweet Memories

Follow the same steps as above, except instead of painting words onto your hearts, add a touch of glitter! Also put on a coat of Sally Hansen Strobe Light onto your Thumb & Ring Finger before you place your hearts! 

Have fun with these looks to spice up your Valentine's Day!

On Pinterest? Repin these looks here or here!

Special thanks to a special 'name rhyming' lady for being my nail model on the classic vday look! ;)

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